A 40 year old female presented with low grade fever and weight loss. On examination, she had mild pallor,
hypertension, cervical lymphadenopathy and mild splenomegaly. Haematological investigations revealed
anaemia with marked thrombocytosis and leucocytosis. Ultrasonography of abdomen showed splenomegaly
with minimal ascites and left sided pleural effusion which was exudative in nature. FNAC from the neck gland
was suggestive of tuberculosis. A diagnosis of disseminated tuberculosis was made on the basis of FNAC
findings and pleural fluid study. The lady responded to standard anti-tubercular therapy with resolution of
haematological changes.
Key words: Tuberculosis; antitubercular agents; thrombocytosis.
Tuberculosis has varied clinical manifestations.
Haematological abnormalities are often an
overlooked aspect of the disease. A wide spectrum
of haematological findings have been described in
tuberculosis which are atypical and revert back to
normal with successful treatment of tuberculosis.
These findings can initially lead to a diagnostic
confusion in a case of tuberculosis. A case of
disseminated tuberculosis presenting with marked
thrombocytosis and leucocytosis which responded
to antitubercular therapy, is being highlighted.
Case report
A 40 years female presented to medical out-patient
department with history of decreased appetite of
four months duration along with weight loss, low
grade evening rise of temperature and malaise of
one month duration. Past history and menstrual
history were uneventful. She lived with her exserviceman
Examination revealed mild pallor, glossitis, body
mass index of 20.4 kg/sq. m, stage I hypertension, a
left sided soft non-tender supraclavicular lymph
node of size 0.5 cm, left pleural effusion and mild splenomegaly. Cardiovascular system examination
did not reveal any abnormality and there was no
evidence of hepatomegaly or ascites.
Haematological investigations revealed total
9 leucocyte count (TLC) of 44.46X10 /L, haemoglobin
of 11.6 g/dL, haematocrit 36.6% and platelet count
9 of 2550 x 10 /L. Differential leucocyte count (DLC)
showed polymorphonuclear leucocytosis– 91% with marked shift to the left. Peripheral smear showed
innumerable platelets (figure 1).

Figure 1- Leishman stained Peripheral Blood Film
showing innumerable platelets
ESR and CRP were elevated. Her blood urea,
creatinine, fasting blood sugar, fasting lipid profile,
electrolytes, serum transaminases and TSH were
within normal range. Alkaline phosphatase was
mildly raised at 156 U/L, but serum iron, TIBC and %
saturation were normal.
Her chest X-ray showed left sided pleural effusion.
ECG was normal. Ultrasonography of abdomen
showed mild splenomegaly, few enlarged lymph
nodes at porta hepatis, minimal ascites and left
sided pleural effusion. Her Mantoux test was
negative. Sputum examination did not reveal any
AFB. She was non-reactive for HIV-1 & 2 antibodies.
Bone marrow examination revealed myeloid
hyperplasia and severe megakaryocytic
hyperplasia. Stainable iron was present in marrow.
JAK2 V617F mutation was not detected and
karyotyping was normal. Bone marrow sample was
sent for mycobacterial culture, which later did not
show any growth.
FNAC from the cervical lymph node was consistent
with tubercular lymphadenitis. The pleural fluid
study revealed an exudative effusion.
A diagnosis of “disseminated tuberculosis with
reactive thrombocytosis and leucocytosis” was
made and the lady was initiated on anti-tubercular
therapy (ATT) with Rifampicin (R), Isoniazid (H),
Ethambutol (E) and Pyrazinamide (Z) for 2 months
followed by RH for another 4 months along with
treatment for hypertension. The lady was afebrile
by 2nd week of therapy. Her TLC, Hb, platelet count
and liver enzymes were monitored weekly for initial
one month and monthly thereafter. Her TLC and
platelet count started decreasing by 3rd week of
ATT. TLC, DLC and platelet counts became normal by
5th month of ATT. Her blood pressure was controlled
on telmisartan 40 mg daily. She gained 4 kg weight at
the end of six months of ATT.
Haematological changes in disseminated
tuberculosis are varied. Pancytopaenia, leukoerythroblastic anaemia, thrombocytopaenia,
marked thrombocytosis, neutrophilia,
monocytopaenia, monocytosis and anaemias of
different types have been described [1,2,3].
Thrombocytosis and leucocytosis have been
associated with tuberculosis but are uncommon
findings. Chakrabarti et al have found
thrombocytopaenia and leucopaenia to be much
more common than thrombocytosis - single case [4].
Baynes et al found 9% patients with tuberculosis
having thrombocytosis >1000 x109/L [5].
The pathogenesis of thrombocytosis in tuberculosis
is not clear. It has variously been attributed to
increased thrombopoietin [6] or production of
platelets in pulmonary vasculature by fragmenting
proplatelets [7]. Even in a diagnosed case of
tuberculosis presence of marked thrombocytosis
and leukocytosis with shift to the left in the same
patient can be a diagnostic dilemma.
Other coexisting haematological conditions like
myeloproliferative disorders need to be excluded as
case reports of presence of atypical cells in
peripheral blood picture have been reported earlier.
Jadhav et al described blast cells with Auer bodie
in disseminated tuberculosis [8]. Subramanian et al
had reported a case of acute myeloid leukaemia
which showed disseminated tuberculosis but no
leukaemia on autopsy [9]. Detection of JAK2 V617F mutation and karyotyping may be helpful to exclude
coexisting myeloproliferative disorders. Since these
tests are not easily available, the clue to the
diagnosis of the haematological changes in suc
cases can be from meticulous physical examination
along with different haematological, biochemical
and radiological investigation besides response to
ATT. Awareness of haematological abnormalities in
tuberculosis will also help in diagnosis.
Key Points
- Varied haematological manifestations can
occur in Tuberculosis.
- Haematological findings can be a diagnostic
- Haematological findings should be interpreted
taking the entire clinical picture into
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