Indian Journal of Medical Specialities Trust
Case Report
Unusual haematological findings in a case of disseminated tuberculosis
Debasish Dutta*, Abhijit Swami**

Department of Pathology* and Medicine**, Silchar Medical College, Silchar – 788014. Assam, India.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Debasish Dutta, Department of Pathology, Silchar Medical College, Silchar – 788014. Assam, India.
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A 40 year old female presented with low grade fever and weight loss. On examination, she had mild pallor, hypertension, cervical lymphadenopathy and mild splenomegaly. Haematological investigations revealed anaemia with marked thrombocytosis and leucocytosis. Ultrasonography of abdomen showed splenomegaly with minimal ascites and left sided pleural effusion which was exudative in nature. FNAC from the neck gland was suggestive of tuberculosis. A diagnosis of disseminated tuberculosis was made on the basis of FNAC findings and pleural fluid study. The lady responded to standard anti-tubercular therapy with resolution of haematological changes.

Key words: Tuberculosis; antitubercular agents; thrombocytosis.

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