BK Bajaj, KS Anand
Department of Neurology, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research & Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi-110001, India.
Corresponding Author: Dr. B. K. Bajaj, Department of Neurology, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research & Dr. RML Hospital,
New Delhi-110001, India Email: docbajaj@yahoo.co.in
A 42 year old male patient presented with sudden onset painless drooping of right shoulder while lifting
himself up with his right arm from squatting position. He was diagnosed to have fracture of spine of righ
scapula. Neurological examination of the patient revealed patient’s inability to abduct the right arm and mild
weakness of handgrip without associated wasting or fasciculations. Impairment of pain sensation in right half
of face, right cervical and upper thoracic dermatomes (T1—T4), and absence of deep tendon reflexes in righ
upper limb with brisk deep tendon reflexes in lower limbs were discovered on examination. The patient’s
cervico-dorsal Magnetic Resonance Imaging confirmed a syrinx extending from cervico-medullary junction to
the upper thoracic segments. The patient did not have any obvious features suggestive of charcot’s
arthropathy on clinical and radiological examination. The case highlights the importance of detailed
neurological examination and unusual presentation of fracture of spine of scapula in a patient harbouring
cervico-dorsal syrinx.
Key words: Syringomyelia; scapula; shoulder fractures; Charcot’s joint; neurogenic arthropathy.
Case report
A 42 year old male developed sudden onset drooping
of right shoulder while lifting himself up with his
right arm from squatting position. The patient
sought medical help and he was found to have
fracture of spine of right scapula with disruption of
acromioclavicular joint (figure 1). The patient was
referred to Neurology Department for assessment of
possible brachial plexus injury in view of apparent
weakness of right arm. The patient had no swelling,
erythema, tenderness or pain in the shoulder region
He had inability to abduct the right arm and mild
weakness of handgrip without associated wasting or
fasciculations. Impairment of pain sensation in right
half of face, right cervical and upper thoracic
dermatomes (T1—T4) was discovered on
examination. Right upper limb deep tendon reflexes
were absent while the reflexes in left upper limb
were diminished. Bilateral knee and ankle jerks
were brisk and plantar responses were bilaterally
flexor. Rest of the neurological examination was
unremarkable. The patient’s haematological an
metabolic profile including haemoglobin, total
leukocyte count, differential count, erythrocyte
sedimentation rate, liver function tests, kidney
function tests, serum calcium and phosphate were
all within normal limits. Nerve conduction study of
the upper limbs did not reveal any abnormality. The
patient’s cervico-dorsal Magnetic Resonance
Imaging (MRI) confirmed a syrinx extending from
cervico-medullary junction to the upper thoracic
segments (figure 2). Later, patient retrospectively
recalled that he had absent pain sensation for more
than 8 years in the right upper limb. X ray of the
shoulder joint did not reveal any definite changes
suggestive of Charcot’s arthropathy. Conservative management of fracture was done. Repeat
evaluation after around 8 weeks revealed persistent
fracture without any signs of healing.
Syringomyelia can lead to chronic neuropathic
degenerative changes in joints usually shoulder and
elbow. At presentation the X-ray appearance of
Charcot's joint may be normal or show soft tissue
calcification, intra-articular fractures, bone
fragmentation and dislocation. Soft tissue swelling
is an early finding. In the present case, only fracture
of spinous process of scapula was evident and the
patient did not have clinical and radiological
evidence of Charcot’s arthropathy. It was the
peculiar lack of pain and tenderness despite
fracture of spine of scapula following relatively
trivial trauma that led to further detailed
assessment and discovery of syringomyelia.
First descriptions of the destructive neuropathic
arthropathy are by Mitchell and Charcot [1]. Mitchell and Charcot proposed that the arthropathy
is result of damage to central nervous system
trophic centres controlling nutrition of bones and
joints. This theory is popularly known as the French
theory. The theory proposed by Volkman and
Virchow called the German theory, suggests that the
arthropathy is the result of recurrent subclinical
trauma that accumulates over years due to
insensate joints. The reports of neuroarthropathy in
patients who do not undergo repeated trauma or are
bedridden prompted Brower and Allman to propose
two theories, the neurotraumatic theory and the
neurovascular theory [2]. The neurotraumatic
theory suggests that repeated trauma resulting from
loss of normal protective reflexes that prevent
joints from exceeding the limits of normal range of
motion, causes joint destruction. The neurovascular
theory states that Charcot joint develops when
sensory deficit disrupts the normal neurovascular
reflexes around the joint resulting in hyperemia and
activation of osteoclasts causing resorption of bone.
Burcu Yanik and coauthors reported neuropathic
arthropathy of shoulder and elbow joints in a
patient with Arnold Chiari malformation with
syringomyelia [3]. Neuropathic arthropathy may be
the first manifestation of syringomyelia. Painless
dislocation of shoulder joint without other changes
are reported in literature [4]. As a result, an
orthopaedician may be the first person of contact
for a patient with syrinx. The present case differed
from the reported cases in literature as there were
no obvious features of Charcot arthropathy on
clinical and radiological examination. However, MRI
and technitium bone scan have been added to the
armamentarium for investigation of Charcot’s
arthropathy. These are more sensitive than a plain
radiograph. The patient fractured his spine of
scapula while doing the simple act of pulling himself
up from sitting to standing position with the help of
his arm. The sudden onset inability to abduct his
arm with normal nerve conduction study and finding
of cervical syrinx pointed towards recent
development of fracture of spine of scapula with
disruption of acromioclavicular joint as the cause of
patient’s abrupt inability to abduct his right arm.
The patient had lower motor neuron type of
involvement in both the upper limbs (absent deep
tendon reflexes in right upper limb with mild right
hand grip weakness and diminished left upper limb
deep tendon reflexes) and upper motor neuron type
of involvement in lower limbs (bilateral brisk knee
and ankle jerks). The patient did not have any difficulty to abduct his arm prior to the act of
suddenly getting up from floor while taking support
with his right arm. We believe that the inability to
abduct the right arm was due to fracture of spine of
scapula and not due to neurological cause. While
patients with intramedullary lesion such as
syringomyelia classically have early urinary and
bowel dysfunction, it is not uncommon to see
patients without significant involvement of bladder
and bowel. This patient had bilateral brisk knee and
ankle jerks with flexor plantar reflex. Typically, one
expects plantar response to be extensor in such
situations. It is well known clinical experience that
plantars may be flexor in some of patients with
pyramidal tract involvement. The impression of
upper motor neuron type of involvement of lower
limbs is made in the light of all the clinical symptoms
and other signs elicited. This was further confirmed
by MRI of the spine. Vinod kumar et al reported a
case of fracture and displacement of body and neck
of scapula in a post-traumatic paraplegic patient
developing during the transfer from wheel chair to
bed [5]. They reported that the patient was
diagnosed to have cervicodorsal syrinx after it was
realised postoperatively that the patient did not
have the expected pain despite the fracture and
subsequent operative intervention. They opined
that the scapular fracture was a stress fracture
consequent to underlying syringomyelia. To the best
of our knowledge there is no other reported case in
literature of scapular fracture in a patient with
syrinx. In our case, there was no prior complaint to
suggest syringomyelia. It was the detailed clinical
examination which led to discovery of clinical signs of spinal cord involvement and confirmation of
syrinx in the patient by MRI. The case underlines
the need to be thorough in neurological assessment
of patients presenting with upper body fractures
particularly incident upon a trivial trauma and
consider the possibility of syringomyelia as a
causative factor.
Key Points
- Fracture of the scapula due to a neurological
cause is unusual.
- Cervico-dorsal syrinx contributing to fracture
of the scapula is being reported.
- Jones J, Wolf S. Neuropathic shoulder
arthropathy (Charcot joint) associated with
syringomyelia. Neurology 1998;50:825-7.
- Brower AC, Allman RM. Pathogenesis of the
neurotrophic joint: neurotraumatic vs.
neurovascular. Radiology 1981;139:349-54.
- Yanik B, Tuncer S, Seçkin B. Neuropathic
arthropathy caused by Arnold-Chiari
malformation with syringomyelia. Rheumatol
Int 2004;24:238-41.
- Hatzis N, Kaar TK, Wirth MA, Toro F, Rockwood
CA Jr. Neuropathic arthropathy of the shoulder.
J Bone Joint Surg Am 1998;80:1314-9.
- Kumar V, Candal-Couto J, Rangan A. Unusual
presentation of a stress fracture of scapula in a
paraplegic associated with syringomyelia.
Injury Extra 2006;37:167-9.