BK Bajaj, KS Anand
Department of Neurology, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research & Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi-110001, India.
Corresponding Author: Dr. B. K. Bajaj, Department of Neurology, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research & Dr. RML Hospital,
New Delhi-110001, India Email: docbajaj@yahoo.co.in
A 42 year old male patient presented with sudden onset painless drooping of right shoulder while lifting
himself up with his right arm from squatting position. He was diagnosed to have fracture of spine of righ
scapula. Neurological examination of the patient revealed patient’s inability to abduct the right arm and mild
weakness of handgrip without associated wasting or fasciculations. Impairment of pain sensation in right half
of face, right cervical and upper thoracic dermatomes (T1—T4), and absence of deep tendon reflexes in righ
upper limb with brisk deep tendon reflexes in lower limbs were discovered on examination. The patient’s
cervico-dorsal Magnetic Resonance Imaging confirmed a syrinx extending from cervico-medullary junction to
the upper thoracic segments. The patient did not have any obvious features suggestive of charcot’s
arthropathy on clinical and radiological examination. The case highlights the importance of detailed
neurological examination and unusual presentation of fracture of spine of scapula in a patient harbouring
cervico-dorsal syrinx.
Key words: Syringomyelia; scapula; shoulder fractures; Charcot’s joint; neurogenic arthropathy.