Brief Communication |
Justin Vijay Gnanou*, Brinnell Annette Caszo*, Vinod George Thykadavil**
* Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Shah Alam, Malaysia.
** Department of Biochemistry, St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore, India.
Corresponding Author: Dr. Justin V Gnanou, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Shah Alam, Malaysia
Email : gnanou_j@yahoo.com
Cadmium toxicity plays an important role in the aetiology of hypertension. Tobacco and occupational
exposure to cadmium is the main cause of toxicity in humans. However dietary sources could also play a role
in the development of hypertension. Hence in this study, the presence of increased urinary cadmium
excretion in hypertensive adults possibly due to dietary sources was studied. Twenty-four hour urine
cadmium excretion levels were measured in hypertensive, non-smoking subjects in the age group of 20 – 35
years. Urinary cadmium was measured and the mean 24 hour cadmium excretion in urine was 12.15 μg/day
(normal range: 0.00 to 4 μg/day). High levels of urinary cadmium were found in all subjects. Since
occupational and smoking causes of cadmium exposure were absent, dietary sources are the likely cause of
increased urinary cadmium excretion in these patients.
Key words: Heavy metal toxicity; cadmium poisoning; smoking.
In humans, cadmium is known to be toxic. It is
absent from the human body at birth and
accumulates over the years. A safe intake level has
been set at 7 μg/kg body weight. Chronic exposure is
associated with various carcinomas, increased risk
of diabetes, atherosclerosis and most importantly
hypertension. Two studies conducted in the United
States indicated a positive correlation between
cadmium in drinking water and blood pressure levels
[1]. In another study, mortality from hypertension
was moderately increased in a village with high
cadmium soil levels [2]. Contrastingly, Shigematsu
et al showed the prevalence of hypertension in areas
of Japan where drinking water and rice were heavily
contaminated with cadmium was not greater than in
control areas [3]. In two other studies, the levels of
cadmium in blood, hair, and renal tissue in
normotensive and hypertensive subjects were not
different [4,5]. The objective of this study was to
determine urinary excretion of cadmium in young
individuals with hypertension.
Exposure to cadmium occurs mainly through
occupation (mining, battery industries), smoking
and dietary intake. High cadmium levels in
agricultural soil is attributed to the use of cadmium
containing fertilisers [6]. Thus, cadmium enters the
food chain and is present in most human food stuffs
albeit in varying quantities [7]. Thus our second
objective was to establish that dietary sources of
cadmium may be an important cause of cadmium
toxicity in south India.
A total of 35 male hypertensive subjects
volunteered to participate in this cross-sectional
study. Of these subjects only 15 were between 20-35
years of age, were non-smokers with no
occupational exposure to cadmium. These subjects
were screened and found negative for
pheochromocytoma using 24 hour urinary VMA.
Hypertension was defined as systolic pressure ≥
140 mmHg and/or diastolic pressure ≥ 90 mmHg.
Blood pressure was measured using conventional
sphygmomanometry. Urinary cadmium was
measured using a tomic absorption
spectrophotometry. Cadmium level of 0.00 – 4.0 μg/day was considered as the reference range for
adults in this study and levels greater than 4.0 μg/day were considered toxic [8]. Ethical approval was
obtained from the Institutional Ethical Review Board of St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore and
all subjects gave informed consent.
Cadmium in urine was estimated using a flameless
atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). Urine
samples were diluted 4 times with 0.5% highly
purified nitric acid and the samples were then
directly put into the flameless AAS. The within-run
CV% and between-run CV% of urinary cadmium
estimation was 1.5% and 2.5% respectively.
Linear regression analysis was performed using SPSS
16.0 to analyse the relationship between urinary
cadmium excretion and blood pressure
The mean age of the study group was 29.7 ± 5.4
years. The mean systolic and diastolic blood
pressure in these subjects were 147.3 ± 11.0 mmHg
and 97.8 ± 7.7 mmHg respectively. The subjects
were screened to rule out pheochromocytoma using
24 hour urinary VMA. The mean 24 hour VMA in these
subjects was 4.9 ± 2.2 mg/day. 24 hour urinary VMA
of less than 7 mg/day ruled out the presence of
pheochromocytoma. Cadmium toxicity was
explored using 24 hour urinary cadmium levels. The
mean cadmium content of the urine in these
subjects was 12.2 μg / day and ranged from 4.2 to
30.4 μg/day. Linear regression analysis showed no
correlation between 24 hour urinary cadmium levels
and systolic (r=0.1) and diastolic blood pressure
Urinary cadmium excretion is considered to be a
reliable indicator of cumulative lifetime or long
term exposure of cadmium [9]. Our subjects were
young, between the ages of 20-35 years and were
diagnosed with hypertension. All the subjects in the
present study had elevated urinary cadmium levels.
Since these patients were non-smokers and had no
occupational exposure to cadmium, the source of
cadmium was from either water or food.
Chronic low-dose cadmium exposure and its role in
the aetiology of hypertension have not been fully
elucidated. ‘Oxidative stress’ has been proposed for
the development of nephropathy with chronic low
dose cadmium exposure. Cadmium was found to
induce ‘oxidative stress’ by the generation of hydroxyl radicals and resulted in damage to
mitochondria. In addition, cadmium also caused
disruption of mitochondrial membrane potential
and mitochondrial swelling with the release of
cytochrome c and apoptosis [10]. However the
mechanism by which cadmium induces a
hypertensive phenotype is unknown. In chronic
feeding studies in rats, hypertension developed in
cadmium exposed rats. These rats also showed
increased mortality and marked renal vascular
changes [11]. Contrasting results are obtained from
human studies. Hypertension was never found
among the Japanese Itai itai disease patients who
ingested high amounts of cadmium from diet [12]. A
study of non-smoking Thai subjects found an
average cadmium concentration of 1.16 μg/L. They
faced an 11% increase in probability of having high
blood pressure [13].
In the present study, no correlation was found
between urinary cadmium excretion and systolic or
diastolic blood pressure, which may have been due
to a small sample size. However, the findings of this
study do indicate the presence of cadmium toxicity
in subjects with hypertension, but more importantly
this study stresses the importance of the nonoccupational
source of cadmium in these subjects.
This may be attributed to the continuing
mobilisation of small amounts of the metal toxin
from non-bioavailable geologic matrices into
biologically accessible situations coupled with
increased environmental pollution from industrial
waste. These are in addition to the fact that
cadmium has a high soil to plant transference rate.
To conclude, young hypertensive non-smoking
subjects with no occupational exposure have high
cadmium excretion. Future studies based on differing
genetic variants of hypertension in larger samplesizes
are needed to study the role of chronic
cadmium exposure in the aetiopathogenesis of
Key Points
- Cadmium toxicity is associated with
- Cadmium toxicity should be ruled out using
urinary cadmium levels in young
- Dietary sources of cadmium appear to be an
important source of chronic cadmium toxicity
in South India.
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