The clinical neurological examination plays a key
role in the evaluation of the patient in the era
preceding high technology medicine. In the
contemporary medical practice, laboratory tests
and imaging are given greater weight in diagnostic
decision making. Therefore, the clinical
neurological examination has lost ground as the
primary tool in clinical localization. The complexity
of reflexes and other clinical neurological
examination can be understood through an
appreciation of the historical aspect and greater
reliance on bedside clinical skills.
Historical aspects
The description of pathological plantar reflex by
Joseph Babinski (1857-1932) in 1896 incited a
variable deluge of new reflex. The lower extremity
was the most exploited anatomic region for the
majority of reflex hunters. Abnormal reflex
response in upper extremities are less constant,
more difficult to elicit and usually less diagnostically
significant. The Hoffman and Tromner signs are
most commonly clinically used corticospinal tract
signs of upper extremities.
The Hoffman sign has been described in clinical
practice for approximately hundred years as a
reliable upper motor neuron reflex response in the
upper extremities. The sign is attributed to Johann
Hoffman (1857-1919), a German neurologist. It was
felt to be a test of disease of corticospinal tract, also
known as digital reflex, snapping reflex, jackobson
reflex. One may look in vain for publication by
Hoffman in which he describes “his” reflex. Careful
search of the literature fail to reveal any direct
reference by Hoffman to the sign that bears his
name. Keyser in 1916 reported a series of 35 cases
showing the Hoffman’s reflex, but could find no
reference to Hoffman’s contribution at that time
1]. It was Hans Curschmann (1875-1942),
Hoffman’s resident who cited the reflex in a
footnote about neurological abnormality in a 10
year old boy with acute nephritis. “Bicep and tricep
reflexes were diminished bilaterally and Hoffman’s
phenomenon (finger flexion reflex) was negative
bilaterally”. In this footnote Curschmann further
elaborated: “The phenomenon of J Hoffman (not
published) entails that the examiner holds the
slightly bent finger of the patient between thumb
and index finger and then “snaps” the nail of one of
these finger. A quick flexion of this, or more
commonly all of these fingers, will occur”[
In 1936, Kastein stated that the Hoffman (and
Tromner) reflex is a normal stretch reflex of the
finger flexor muscle. Wartenberg emphasized that
both reflexes are based on physiological mechanism
of the muscle stretch reflex. The finger flexors
contract when they are being stretched rapidly.
Hence these reflexes can be elicited in normal
subjects. They may, however, be indicative of a
pyramidal tract lesion, especially in cases with
asymmetric findings and in the presence of other
pathological reflexes.
To elicit Hoffman sign the patient’s relaxed hand is
held with the wrist dorsiflexed and finger partially
flexed. With one hand, the examiner holds the
partially extended middle finger between her index
and middle finger. With a sharp, forcible flick of the
other thumb, the examiner nips or snaps the nail of
the patient’s middle finger, forcing the distal finger
into sharp, sudden flexion followed by sudden
release. The rebound of the distal phalanx stretches
the finger flexors. If the Hoffman sign is present,
this is followed by flexion and adduction of the
thumb and flexion of the index finger, and
sometimes flexion of other fingers as well [
In the Tromner sign, the examiner holds the
patient’s partially extended middle finger, letting the hand dangle, then, with the other hand, thumps
or flicks the finger pad. The response is same as that
in the Hoffman test. Both methods are equivalent
and either manner of testing may be used; both are
sometimes referred to as Hoffman test.
In so far as the Hoffman sign tends to track the
presence of hyperreflexia, the Hoffman sign may be
evident in patients with hyperthyroidism, anxiety
state and other conditions associated with
increased deep tendon reflexes. Typically a
systemic cause of hyperreflexia such as
hyperthyroidism would be expected to cause
bilateral findings, whereas structural damage in the
brain, for example a tumour, would be expected to
cause unilateral finding. Thus, it might be expected
that a unilateral Hoffman sign would be more
specific for structural disease [
Hoffman sign is also commonly used in clinical
practice to assess cervical spine disease. Compared
with the Babiniski sign, the Hoffman sign is more
prevalent in patients surgically treated for cervical
myelopathy and is more likely to be found in
patients with less severe neurological deficits. In
patients with lumbar spine disease but without
symptoms related to cervical spine, a bilateral
Hoffman sign was a highly sensitive marker for
occult cervical cord compression [
The Babiniski of the arm, that is, the upper
extremity analogue of the plantar extensor
response was not discovered by Hoffman or
Tromner. Singly or jointly, the reflexes of Hoffman
and Tromner have evolved to form an integral part
of the current, standard neurological examination.
When present bilaterally, Hoffman sign is usually an
indication of hyperactive deep tendon reflexes.
Although disease of the pyramidal pathway may be
responsible, healthy individuals with hyperactive
reflexes may have Hoffman sign such as in cases of
anxiety, hyperthyroidism and stimulatory drugs.
When asymmetric or unilaterally present, especially
in combination with other pathological reflexes or
abnormal findings, Hoffman sign usually signifies
disease of the nervous system.