Kanika Kalra, Gurmeen Kaur
Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi.
Corresponding Author: Kanika Kalra, AD-85A, Pitampura, Delhi-110088.
E mail: kanikakalra87@gmail.com
India is facing an epidemic of type 2 diabetes mellitus. The increasing association of diabetes with obesity has
led to the emergence of Bariatrics along with the conventional medical treatment of diabetes. Since weight
reduction is difficult to attain and even harder to maintain, researchers all over the world are increasingly
realizing the potential of bariatric surgery as an efficacious cure to morbid obesity and diabetes. Bariatric
procedures mainly comprise of malabsorptive procedures where the length of intestine available for
nutrient absorption is decreased and restrictive procedures where food intake is reduced. Roux-en-Y gastric
bypass, a combination procedure, is considered the gold standard bariatric procedure for most patients. The
proposed mechanisms responsible for cure of diabetes are weight loss, reduced caloric intake and alteration
in pattern of secretion of gastrointestinal hormones. There is promising data proving the mettle of bariatric
procedures in the remission of Diabetes Mellitus yet there are no studies comparing their efficacy against
standard anti-diabetic medical treatment. Hence it would be still premature to conclude the superiority of
Bariatric surgery as a long term treatment for Diabetes.
Key Words: Type 2 Diabetes, morbid obesity, Bariatric surgery
India is becoming the world capital of diabetes
mellitus. The number of diabetics would reach up to
100 million by 2020 as predicted by WHO. The
increase in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes is closely linked to the upsurge in obesity. About 90%
[1] of type 2 diabetes is attributable to obesity
which is further associated with worse outcomes like
hypertension, coronary heart disease and
dyslipidemia. This is where bariatrics comes into
play in addition to the conventional medical
treatment for diabetes. Bari means weight or
pressure in ancient and modern Greek. However, in
biblical Hebrew it denotes obese and in Modern
Hebrew, healthy [2]. There is evidence from a
number of studies that weight loss reduces mortality
in diabetics. Weight loss is beneficial for long-term
diabetes outcomes for overweight, obese and
morbidly-obese participants [3]. Williamson et al
found that overweight people with diabetes who
reported intentional weight loss experienced 25%
lower total mortality and a 28% reduction in
cardiovascular disease and diabetes mortality.
Intentional weight loss of 20-29 lbs. (9-14 kg) was
associated with the largest reductions in mortality
(approximately 33%) [4]. In a review of 11 long term
studies, patients with the risk of developing
diabetes due to either family history of diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance, saw a reduction in this
risk. Those with large weight losses achievable with
surgical interventions reduced their risk by at least
63%. Metabolic handling of glucose improved in 80%
of those already with type 2 diabetes who lost
weight [5]. Even though the literature supports the
effectiveness of weight loss in controlling diabetes,
many physicians still find sustained weight loss
difficult to achieve and maintain, even with
intensive therapy using anti-obesity drugs especially
in the current scenario of increasing morbid obesity
(body mass index, BM ≥ 35kg/m2). Therefore,
Bariatric surgery is being increasingly realized as a
realistic treatment option for the morbidly obese
population suffering from type 2 diabetes. The U.S.
National Institutes of Health recommends bariatric
surgery for obese people with a BMI of at least 40,
and for people with BMI > 35 and serious coexisting
medical conditions such as diabetes. However,
emerging research suggests bariatric surgery could
be appropriate for those with a BMI of 35 to 40 with
no co-morbidities or a BMI of 30 to 35 with
significant co-morbidities [6].
Several Bariatric procedures are available to cure
morbid obesity. Predominantly malabsorptive
procedures, where the length of intestine available for nutrient absorption is decreased include
'Biliopancreatic diversion' (BPD) or 'Scopinaro
Procedure' which has nowadays been replaced with
'Duodenal Switch' also known as BPD/DS; and
'Endoluminal Sleeve' which has only been performed
in mice. Predominantly restrictive procedures
which primarily reduce gastric size include 'Vertical
Banded Gastroplasty] (Mason Procedure),
'Adjustable Gastric Band' (AGB), 'Laparoscopic
Adjustable Gastric Band' (known as LABG/Lap
Band), 'Sleeve Gastrectomy' and 'Intragastric
balloon'. Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass surgery, Sleeve
Gastrectomy with Duodenal Switch and Implantable
Gastric Stimulation are amongst the mixed
procedures which employ both techniques
simultaneously. Gastric Bypass and Sleeve
Gastrectomy can also beper formed
laparoscopically [6]. The Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is
currently considered the gold standard bariatric
procedure for most patients. Most Bariatric
procedures require life long compliance with
multivitamins and supplements because of altered
absorption of nutrients from the gastrointestinal
tract [7]. Other adverse effects may be gastric
dumping syndrome in about 20% (bloatedness and
diarrhoea after eating, necessitating small meals or
medication), leaks at the surgical site (12%),
incisional hernia (7%), infections (6%) and
pneumonia (4%), mortality (0.2%) [6]. Marginal ulcer
and stomal stenosis are among the commoner
complications of bariatric surgery, their incidence
ranging from 5-15%. Clinical trials in South America
and Europe in 2009 are testing a new surgery-free
medical device called the 'EndoBarrier
Gastrointestinal Liner'. It may offer effective
surgery free weight loss. Lining part of the small
intestines from the duodenum and into the first part
of the jejunum, this mechanical bypass may alter
hormonal responses in the body and result in
metabolic changes that lead to weight loss and a
potential solution for type 2 diabetes [6].
Studies conducted on the Greenville series of Rouxen-
Y Gastric Bypass surgery established it as an
effective and safe therapy for morbid obesity and its
associated co-morbidities. Pories et al reported that
82.9% of diabetics maintained normal levels of
plasma glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin, and
insulin on 14 year follow-up. These antidiabetic
effects were thought to be due primarily to a
reduction in caloric intake, suggesting that insulin
resistance is a secondary protective effect rather than the initial lesion [8]. In another study
conducted by them, 86 out of 88 diabetics became
euglycemic within 4 months after surgery without
any diabetic medication or special diets [9]. In
1998, Scopinaro et al reported normalization of
glucose levels in 100% of their morbidly obese
patients after BPD with no need for medication and
on a totally free diet as early as 1 month after
operation [10]. In the Swedish Obese Subjects study,
weight reductions achieved in the surgical group
reduced the 2-year incidence of diabetes 32 times
as compared to the controls. After eight years there
was still a 5-fold reduction in diabetes incidence
[11]. Although weight loss has a role in the glycemic
control achieved in the above studies by producing
changes in release of adipocytokines which
favorably impact insulin resistance, there maybe
other mechanisms by which bariatric surgery
controls diabetes. One of them is reduced caloric
intake and early satiety which produces the
profound long-term alterations in glucose
metabolism and insulin action [12]. Supporting the
above mechanism, there are cases in literature
reporting resolution of diabetes after vertical
banded gastroplasty [13], which reduces the
stomach size thus limiting food intake, but there are
no evidences of long term cure achieved by this
procedure. Also not all procedures gave the same
remission rates of diabetes thus underscoring the
importance of other anti-diabetic mechanisms
apart from reduced caloric intake. As one looks into
the anatomical and physiological alterations caused
by major bariatric surgeries (GBP and BPD), one
finds that in both of them undigested or
incompletely digested food is presented early to the
ileum, and the duodenum and jejunum are excluded
from the enteroinsular axis thus suggesting the
possibility of a change in the pattern of secretion of
gastrointestinal hormones [10]. Gut peptides, which
mediate the enteroinsular axis, include the
incretins glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and
glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide, as well
as ghrelin and peptide YY (PYY). It has been
hypothesized that bariatric procedures that
expedite nutrient delivery to the distal ileum, such
as BPD and RYGB, increase GLP-1 and PYY levels. In
contrast, restrictive procedures do not increase
levels of incretins or PYY. Augmented levels of GLP-1
probably account for the anti-diabetic effect of
procedures that bypass the small bowel. In addition,
altered secretion of anorexigenic peptides, such as
GLP-1 and PYY, may mediate the reduction in appetite and sustained weight loss that occurs more
often after intestinal bypass procedures [14].
Biliopancreatic diversion reduced leptin levels
before weight loss occurred and increased the
enteroglucagon response to glucose test. Decreased
plasma lipid levels have also been reported after
biliopancreatic diversion [10]. Despite the above
proposed mechanisms, there is no conclusive data
on the anti-diabetic mechanisms of bariatric
surgery. On analysis of the efficacy of different
types of bariatric procedures, it has been found that
resolution of diabetes after surgery occurs in 84% to
98% cases for bypass procedures and 48% to 68%
cases for restrictive procedures [14]. A study
conducted on Asian patients in Taiwan, revealed
that Gastric Bypass surgery was better than
Laparoscopic Vertical Banded Gastric partition
(LVBG) and LABG for curing diabetes because of
better weight reduction that was achieved.
Laparoscopic gastric bypass patients had a greater
weight loss and a higher rate of glucose
normalization (93.1%) than the LVBG patients
(85.3%) and LAGB patients (73.9%) [15]. In another
Italian study, AGB was found to be the least
effective. The anti-diabetic effect was similarly
precocious after GBP and SG compared with AGB
[16]. In a study comparing the effects of
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (LSG) and
Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (LRYGBP),
both were found to result in a similar rate of type 2
diabetes resolution at 4-months after surgery [17].
Another study comparing the above procedures
reported similar remission rates in Metabolic
Syndrome along with type 2 diabetes mellitus [18]. A
study was conducted to explore mechanisms other
than weight reduction for the success of LSG and it
was found that decreased gastric emptying halftime
and small bowel transit time (measured by
scintigraphic imaging) after LSG can possibly
contribute to better glucose homeostasis in patients
with type 2 diabetes mellitus [19]. Studies have also
shown effectiveness of bariatric surgery in
treatment of type 2 diabetes in patients with BMI <
2 35kg/m . The treatment goal of type 2 diabetes
mellitus (HbA1C < 7.0%, LDL < 150 mg/dL and
triglycerides < 150 mg/dL) was met in 76.5% of BMI <
2235 kg/m and 92.4% of BMI > 35 kg/m (p=0.059).
Although a slightly lower response rate has been
reported, they still had an acceptable diabetes
resolution [20].
The effectiveness of Bariatric surgery in cure of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus may seem impressive but to
conclude that it should be offered to obese people
with new or existing diabetes primarily to cure their
diabetes is still premature. This is because all the
above data is pertaining to diabetic patients who
had undergone bariatric surgery primarily for other
reasons. Therefore to establish surgery as a cure for
diabetes, studies showing a more favourable longterm
effect on diabetes than the other comparable
treatments like standard medical treatment for
diabetes, and intensive lifestyle modification
including anti-obesity drugs to reduce weight,
should be undertaken. Although probably bariatric
surgery may prove to be superior to the above, it
needs conclusive evidence to establish its role in the
long term treatment of diabetes.
Key Points
- Diabetes Mellitus is being increasingly
associated with obesity especially morbid
obesity thus making weight reduction an
essential component of the management of
the disease.
- The potential of Bariatric surgery in achieving
the above is being continuously explored with
many studies yielding positive results.
- Comparisons with the conventional medical
treatment are required to conclusively declare
its superiority as a long term treatment option
for Diabetes.
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