Kanika Kalra, Gurmeen Kaur
Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi.
Corresponding Author: Kanika Kalra, AD-85A, Pitampura, Delhi-110088.
E mail: kanikakalra87@gmail.com
India is facing an epidemic of type 2 diabetes mellitus. The increasing association of diabetes with obesity has
led to the emergence of Bariatrics along with the conventional medical treatment of diabetes. Since weight
reduction is difficult to attain and even harder to maintain, researchers all over the world are increasingly
realizing the potential of bariatric surgery as an efficacious cure to morbid obesity and diabetes. Bariatric
procedures mainly comprise of malabsorptive procedures where the length of intestine available for
nutrient absorption is decreased and restrictive procedures where food intake is reduced. Roux-en-Y gastric
bypass, a combination procedure, is considered the gold standard bariatric procedure for most patients. The
proposed mechanisms responsible for cure of diabetes are weight loss, reduced caloric intake and alteration
in pattern of secretion of gastrointestinal hormones. There is promising data proving the mettle of bariatric
procedures in the remission of Diabetes Mellitus yet there are no studies comparing their efficacy against
standard anti-diabetic medical treatment. Hence it would be still premature to conclude the superiority of
Bariatric surgery as a long term treatment for Diabetes.
Key Words: Type 2 Diabetes, morbid obesity, Bariatric surgery