Gurmeen Kaur, Kanika Kalra
Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi.
Corresponding Author: Dr. Gurmeen Kaur, 426 Kohat Enclave, Pitampura, Delhi – 110034.
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Lifestyle related diseases like diabetes have shown an immense increase in prevalence in India during recent
times. On the other hand it has been plagued by malnutrition since ages. Researchers all over the world are
exploring the cause for this geographical coexistence of under and over nutrition. Numerous studies have
shown a higher prevalence of cardiovascular diseases in individuals who had lower birth weight or height, but
who had 'normal' weight as adults. A number of hypotheses have been put forward to explain the above
phenomenon, all emphasizing the changes in fetal metabolism in order to attain normal development of
brain despite intrauterine environmental limitations. The propensity to central obesity in Indians has been
shown to be programmed in-utero. The life course model proposes that a combination of antenatal,
epigenetic as well as post-natal influences are responsible for the recent epidemic of diabetes in the Indian
population. Therefore, avoiding maternal malnutrition and decreasing the prevalence of low birth weight
could be possible additions to the conventional method of lifestyle intervention in the prevention of
Key Words: Low birth weight, intrauterine growth retardation, type 2 diabetes.
India is heading towards acquiring the title of the
capital of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases in
the very near future. At the same time a significant
number of low birth weight babies are being born,
maternal malnutrition and growth retardation in
under-five children are rampant. The over-nutrition
and under-nutrition epidemics have a mutual
geographic existence and are both escalating at an
overwhelming rate. Malnutrition has plagued the
country for centuries. Indians have a similar genetic
pool which has remained stable for a while and
lifestyle related diseases have established genetic
predispositions. Why is there a sudden surge in
diabetes and related diseases in the twenty first
century? Is there a remote possibility that the two
epidemics of over and under-nutrition are actually
Low birth weight has been associated with an
increased risk of type 2 diabetes in adulthood.
Numerous studies have shown the interaction
between small birth size and adult obesity in
relation to insulin resistance syndrome, diabetes,
hypertension, obesity and cardiovascular diseases.
Cardiovascular mortality was even higher in those
who were born small but became obese as children.
The first landmark study in this field consisting of a cohort of 30,000 by Ravilli et al who showed that
maternal malnutrition in the later half of pregnancy
due to the great Dutch famine led to the offspring
being obese at 19 years of age [1]. Subsequent
studies of English men demonstrated a relationship
between low birth weight and the later
development of cardiovascular disease [1] and
impaired glucose tolerance [2,3,4,5]. Other studies of
populations in the United States [6,7,8] Sweden [9],
France [10], Norway [11], and Finland [12], have
demonstrated a significant correlation between low
birth weight and the later development of adult
diseases. These relationships remain consistent
even after adjustments are made for lifestyle
factors, dietary differences and socioeconomic
Work from India shows similar results. In a study of
people born in Mysore, the highest prevalence of
coronary heart disease (CHD) at 45 years of age was
found in individuals who had lower weight, height or
head circumference at birth, but who had 'normal'
weight as adults [13] In a follow up study in Pune,
Yagnik CS et al found that at 4 years of age insulin
and IGF-1 concentrations were inversely related to
the birth weight. At 8 years, insulin resistance and
other cardiovascular risk factors including blood lipids, blood pressure and central adiposity were
higher in those children who had the lowest birth
weights but had grown the biggest [14].
The ‘thrifty genotype’ hypothesis was put forward
to explain the increasing prevalence of diabetes and
insulin resistance in a population which was known
to have suffered from a food famine for years. It
proposes that these bodies were programmed into
storing all fat for phases of deficiency. But over the
centuries the food deficit disappeared, eating
habits changed and physical activity drastically
declined. The change was faster than the slowly
evolving genetic change to suit the new condition
and so the “obesity-dysglycemia-dyslipidemia”
epidemic started off. The thrifty genotype has an
obvious evolutionary advantage as such; a
hypothesis implies that poor fetal environment
causes adaptive responses to maximize the chance
of proper development of important organs (such as
the developing brain and liver) at the expense of
others, resulting in a metabolism designed to
enhance survival under the food shortage situations
[15]. It is when the genotypic expression remains
the same but the environment changes to that
having no food deficiency that the problem arises.
An even more interesting model, ‘the thrifty
phenotype’ has been proposed by Hales and Barker
[16] to explain the relation between fetal growth
restriction and subsequent diabetes mellitus. It says
that poor nutrition in early life leads to permanent
changes in the glucose – insulin pathways. These
changes are reflected in the fetal programming and
are irreversible. These changes include reduced
capacity for insulin secretion and insulin resistance
which, combined with effects of obesity, ageing and
physical inactivity, are the most important factors in
determining type 2 diabetes [17]. Early-life
metabolic adaptations promote survival, with the
developing organism responding to cues of
environmental quality by selecting an appropriate
trajectory of growth. The thrifty phenotype refers
to the capacity of all offspring to respond to
environmental information during early ontogenetic
development and is a consequence of three
different processes: niche construction, maternal
effects, and developmental plasticity. All these
three processes have one common aim- which is
selectively promoting the brain growth in the fetus
at the expense of other organ systems and account
for the differential growth rates of different body systems. It is proposed that the process of niche
construction is moving at a more rapid pace than the
physiological combination of developmental
plasticity and parental effects and it may be the
factor responsible for the accelerated rates of
metabolic syndrome in the 20th century [18].
The 'fetal origins' hypothesis, as a modification of
the ‘thrifty phenotype’ one, suggests that these
adjustments are 'imprinted', affecting the response
of the system in future life ('programming'). Insulin
resistance seems to be one such survival mechanism
in response to fetal malnutrition [16]. Enthusiastic
workers have proposed that ‘thrifty phenotypes’
may actually be a direct consequence of the older‘thrifty genotype’ model [19].
Multiple animal models of intrauterine growth
restriction demonstrate impaired β-cell function
and development. Decreased β-cell proliferation
leads to a progressive decline in β-cell mass leading
to progressive decline in insulin secretion, finally
burnout and diabetes in its florid form. Work carried
out on a rat model suggests that uteroplacental
insufficiency disrupts the function of the electron
transport chain in the fetal β-cell and leads to a
debilitating cascade of events: increased
production of reactive oxygen species, which in turn
damage mitochondrial DNA and causes further
production of reactive oxygen species. The net
result is progressive loss of β-cell function and
eventual development of type 2 diabetes in the
adult [20]. Oxidative stress and insulin resistance
have been associated with small for gestational age
as well as macrosomic babies, increased oxidative
stress and insulin resistance is already present in
pre-pubertal normal weight children who were born
with a low birth weight and obesity only adds on to
this existing situation [21]. Neonates with
intrauterine growth restriction were found to have
significantly higher oxidative stress, lipid
peroxidation and underdeveloped antioxidant
mechanisms when measured in the cord blood [22].
Supplementation with L-arginine during pregnancy
managed to bring down this total oxidative stress
The ‘thin and fat’ Indian prototype adult has a
higher risk for diabetes. For a given body mass index
(BMI), Indians have a higher percentage of body fat
and more visceral fat than members of other
populations. A very interesting observation is that this thin-fat phenotype is not unique to adults in
South East Asia but is present even at birth. Indian
babies were small in all respects but there was a
scheme in their smallness. Birth weight, head
circumference and height were smaller to a similar
extent, whereas soft tissues were differentially
affected. Protein rich soft tissues (skeletal muscle
and abdominal viscera) were the most affected,
while subcutaneous fat was the most preserved
body component [17]. Hence, the propensity of the
Indians for central obesity is programmed in utero!
Environmental and postnatal influences also
deserve their due share of merit and attention. If
only the fetal disease origins were to be believed
there would be huge discrepancies. Even though
rural Indians have more low birth weight babies the
incidence of diabetes is rising about 5 times faster in
urban India as compared to the villages.
In a critical appraisal of the fetal origin hypothesis in
the developing country scenario, Yagnik CS proposes
the life-course model of evolution of insulin
resistance and type 2 diabetes, incorporating fetal,
postnatal and adult components. The life course
model seems to be the most relevant by far, with the
rationale being that people in the Indian
subcontinent have faced undernutrition for many
generations, and Indian babies are amongst the
smallest in the world. However, the diabetes
epidemic is of recent origin, and diabetes is more
common among urban than rural Indians despite the
higher birth weight of urban babies. Thus it is not
just fetal programming or thrifty genes at play but a
combination of antenatal, epigenetic as well as post
natal influences [24].
We can safely conclude by saying that though low
birth weight and intrauterine growth restriction are
important risk factors, they are not the only
mechanisms at play. We already know that the key
to prevention of lifestyle related diseases is living
and eating healthy, regularly exercising and staying
active. What we can add to our preventive
strategies is avoiding maternal malnutrition,
decreasing the prevalence of low birth weight
babies and regularly following up babies with low
birth weight, especially those showing adequate
catch-up growth.
Key Points
- Diabetes mellitus and other lifestyle related
diseases like metabolic syndrome are assuming
pandemic proportions worldwide. The twenty
first century is witnessing a sharp escalation in
the prevalence of these diseases, particularly
in developing countries.
- Low birth weight and intrauterine growth
retardation are less known risk factors which
have been consistently associated with higher
risk of diabetes in later life.
- Various models have been proposed to explain
the link between diabetes and low birth
- The ‘thrifty genotype model’ suggests that
fetal metabolism is programmed to enhance
survival during famines and phases of food
scarcity, which were very common in the past.
The food deficit has been overcome now but
our genetic constitution remains the same,
leading to accelerated rates of diabetes.
- The ‘thrifty phenotype’ states that poor
nutrition in early life leads to changes in the
glucose – insulin pathways finally culminating
in irreversible alterations in the pancreatic β
- The mechanisms for these models propose the
role of epigenetics – in-utero fetal
programming in response to the stress and
oxidative damage.
- A comprehensive theory – the ‘life course’
model is an attempt to explain all old and new
risk factors and proposes that antenatal,
postnatal and environmental factors act
together, from conception through adulthood,
and cumulatively predict the risk of
developing diabetes
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