The 10-year younger mean age for the first presentation of coronary artery disease (CAD) in Africa, the Middle
East, and South Asia compared with other regions of the world is contributing to the large increase in
cardiovascular diseases witnessed in these regions over the years. Implementing preventive strategies based
on current knowledge would avert the majority of coronary heart disease worldwide. Two clinical scenarios
of male teachers of similar ethnicity, socioeconomic background, and emotional stress in their early years,
developing acute coronary syndrome are being reported. However, the age at which they developed acute
vascular events is distinctly different. The role of various risk factors, especially smoking, implicated in the
genesis of premature atherosclerosis and CAD has been discussed and the importance of healthy lifestyle and
regular exercise in imparting protection against the development of CAD is highlighted. It is aimed to
sensitise the readers to stress on smoking cessation and adoption of appropriate lifestyle measures while
advising their patients.
Key words: Atherosclerosis; coronary artery disease; risk factors; smoking; yoga.
Two clinical scenarios of male teachers sharing the
same ethnicity, socioeconomic background and
emotional stress in their early childhood developing
acute coronary syndrome are being presented.
Strikingly, the age at which they developed acute
vascular events were distinctly different; one
developed acute myocardial infarction early at the
age of 44 yrs while the other had acute onset
syncope and trifascicular block at age of 70 years.
Besides, there are certain other discriminating
factors which contributed to the varying time of
onset of acute coronary event. It is intended to
discuss these important issues with the help of these
two illustrative cases since they have immense
therapeutic and preventive implications.
Clinical details
Two male teachers, one of middle age and another
old, present to the cardiology unit on the same day
with complaints of severe chest pain and syncope,
respectively, which turned out to be due to acute
coronary syndrome (table 1).
Table 1 - Short history and clinical features of the two teachers

What are the common risk factors for coronary
artery disease?
Health researchers have recently discovered that
90% of first heart attacks (myocardial infarction)
suffered by people can be attributed to nine risk
factors [1]. These risk factors include: cigarette
smoking, an abnormal ratio of blood lipids, high
blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, abdominal
obesity, stress, alcohol consumption, a lack of daily
consumption of fruits and vegetables, as well as a
lack of daily exercise. INTERHEART study [1] showed
that the effect of these nine risk factors is
consistent in men and women, across different
geographic regions, and by ethnic group. The
interplay of these factors decides how early the
coronary insufficiency appears in a particular
patient. Family history of cardiovascular disease
and other novel risk factors viz. plasma levels of
homocysteine, high sensitive C- reactive protein
(hs-CRP), lipoprotein (a), Lp(a) and fibrinogen are
also known risk factors.
What are the risk factors observed in the two
cases? What contributes to the early development of acute coronary syndrome in Teacher 1?
Apart from the irreversible risk factors of age, sex
and ethnicity, the risk factors observed in Teacher 1
are- stress, smoking, central obesity, diabetes
mellitus, sedentary lifestyle and low HDLcholesterol
while in Teacher 2 are- stress,
hypertension (though controlled), central obesity,
diabetes mellitus, sedentary lifestyle and low HDLcholesterol.
Teacher 2 also has a carotid plaque
which is an atherosclerotic marker. The risk factor
profile in the two cases is by and large similar. A long
history of smoking and presence of central obesity in
Teacher 1 along with co-existent diabetes mellitus
seem to contribute to accelerated atherosclerosis in
Teacher 1, whereby he has developed an acute
coronary syndrome so early in life.
A strong association has been observed across all
age, gender and ethnic groups between smoking
and CAD. A graded relationship between the number
of cigarettes and death from CAD has been observed
in the multiple risk factor screening study [2] (risk
ratio of smoking 1-25 cigarettes/day is 2.1, rises to
2.9 for >25 cigarettes/day) Acute MI in younger
individuals (< 50 years) is strongly associated with
smoking. Smoking has an additive as well as
multiplicative effect on other risk factors. Smoking
promotes atherothrombosis [3] by several
mechanisms- enhancing oxidation of LDL, reducing HDL, promoting coronary vasoconstriction,
increasing hs-CRP, fibrinogen, spontaneous platelet
aggregation. Smoking acts synergistically with oral
contraceptives, placing younger women at even
higher relative risk. Smoking cessation among adults
significantly reduces the risk of CAD.
What are the important risk factors for stroke?
In a multivariate risk factor evaluation for stroke in
Framingham Heart Study [4,5] with subjects aged 55
to 84 years. In men, systolic blood pressure was
given the maximum risk rate of 1.91, only after left
ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) 2.32, compared to 1.4
to diabetes mellitus (DM), smoking 1.67, CAD 1.68
and atrial fibrillation (AF) 1.83. In women,
however, AF was the most important risk factor with
RR of 3.16, LVH 2.34, DM 1.72, smoking 1.70.
Is central obesity an important risk factor for type
2 diabetes mellitus?
Central obesity is an important risk factor for the
development of type 2 diabetes mellitus [6]. Central
obesity is associated with insulin resistance and
hyperinsulinemia. The pathophysiologic basis for
the importance of central obesity relates to higher
rates of lipolysis in visceral adipocytes, which are
relatively resistant to insulin-induced suppression
of lipolysis following meals; thus, portal-vein free
fatty acid (FFA) concentrations are increased in
central obesity. Exposing hepatocytes to higher
rates of FFA delivery increases gluconeogenesis.
Increased FFA in peripheral circulation causes
decreased rates of insulin-mediated glucose uptake
in skeletal muscles. In addition, visceral adipocytes
are rich source of diabetogenic hormones like
plasminogen activator inhibitor -1 (PAI-1). A
potential additional link between obesity and
diabetes is obstructive sleep apnea, causing insulin
resistance through catecholamine excess. The
combination of insulin resistance and increased
gluconeogenesis leads to development of diabetes.
How diabetes produces coronary atherosclerosis?
Many factors contribute to the increased incidence
of CAD among diabetics [7,8,9]. Microalbuminuria
defined as albumin excretion rate of 0.03-0.3 g/dL,
may be the result of generalised endothelial
dysfunction that enhances the penetration of
atherogenic lipoprotein in the arterial wall. It has been associated with several cardiovascular risk
factors like insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia,
central obesity and dyslipidemia.
Lipoprotein abnormalities: oxidation of lipoprotein
is enhanced in presence of hyperglycemia and
hypertriglyceridemia, which are cytotoxic to
endothelium and contribute to atherosclerosis.
Triglycerides are elevated in diabetes secondary to
decrease in lipoprotein lipase activity with increase
in plasma low density lipoprotein (LDL), Lp(a) and
decrease in plasma high density lipoprotein (HDL).
Coagulation abnormalities: Diabetics have higher
levels of plasminogen activator inhibitor than nondiabetics, which inhibits fibrinolysis. Decreased
level of antithrombin-III, protein C, protein S
associated with cell injury, micro and macro
vascular damage and poor diabetic control, platelet
adhesion and aggregation are enhanced. In
diabetics, there is decrease production and
increased destruction of nitric oxide (NO), resulting
in increased platelet aggregation.
Insulin resistance: Traditionally considered as an
important risk factor for CAD by promoting
hypertension, as a result of chronic enhancement of
sympathetic nervous system activity, increasing
renal tubular sodium resorption, and inducing
smooth muscle hypertrophy.
Endothelial dysfunction: Hyperglycemia alters
endothelial matrix production, leading to basement
membrane thickening. There is impaired
degradation of glycosylated fibrin increased
concentration of glycated end products and
elevated expression of endothelin-1. Other
alterations include decreased release of nitric oxide
and decreased response to nitric oxide, increased
superoxide amino generation, and increased
expression of adhesion molecules.
DM and CAD form a continuum of vascular disease
characterised by endothelial dysfunction. In a
recent study [10], the temporal development of
CAD, diabetes and hypertension was studied in cases
suffering from all the three diseases and the
existence of phenomenon of cardiovascular
continuum was observed in the majority. Concept of
cardiovascular continuum is important for holistic
approach to their early recognition, prevention and
treatment. It was also hypothesised that the
endothelial dysfunction might be the fulcrum of this
cardiovascular continuum.
What is the relation of smoking to diabetes?
The rate of diabetes increases for both men and
women, as smoking prevalence rises. Among those
who smoked 2 packs per day at baseline, men had a
45% higher diabetes rate than men who had never
smoked. The comparable increase for women was
74%. Quitting smoking reduced the rate of diabetes
to that of non-smokers after 5 years in women and
after 10 years in men [11].
What role does lifestyle play in early development
of CAD?
An unhealthy lifestyle is responsible for the
deposition of cholesterol in the coronary arteries.
An unhealthy or faulty lifestyle involves:
(a) |
Faulty dietary habits (a combination of bad
carbohydrates and bad fats), high saturated
fat, low in fibre, low in vegetables and fruits
and very high in salt. |
(b) |
Lack of exercise because of rapid urbanisation. |
(c) |
The increasing stress of civilization, especially
the negative competitive stress, which further
adds to the misery. |
(d) |
Regular and continuing tobacco consumption
either via tobacco chewing or cigarette or bidi
smoking worsens the process. |
Cholesterol is not present in foods of plant origin. In
foods of animal origin cholesterol is very high in red
meat, yolk of egg and animal milk. People who are
non-vegetarians can take fish, which contains
omega-3 fatty acids, which may be beneficial to the
heart. Vegetarians have four times less chance of
getting a heart attack than non-vegetarians. The
cholesterol levels of vegetarians are 15 per cent
lower than the cholesterol levels of nonvegetarians.
Junk foods (a combination of bad
carbohydrate and bad fats) are one of the causes of
obesity, diabetes and heart disease all over the
world. Thirty minutes of exercise done daily (7 days
a week) is not only good for the heart but also for the
lungs, bones, joints and overall health. It is antiageing,
reduces obesity, reduces cholesterol and
controls diabetes. The results of INTERHEART study
[1] indicate that psychosocial factors (stress at work
or home, financial stress, stressful life events,
depression) may contribute to a substantial
proportion of risk for acute CAD. The global effect
was less than that for smoking, but comparable with
hypertension and abdominal obesity.
Life style heart trial (D'Ornish study) [12] used zero
fat diet, physical exercise and stress management
through yoga and demonstrated regression of
blockages from 40 to 37% over a period of time and
demonstrated that a strict life style may lead to
regression of coronary atherosclerosis after 1 year.
More regression of coronary atherosclerosis
occurred after 5 years than after 1 year in the
experimental group.
What is the role of yoga in retardation, reversal
and prevention of atherosclerosis?
The Yoga Life-Style trial [13] was conducted at All
India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. It
involved a very low fat and high fibre diet with no
tobacco or non-vegetarian diet and regular,
moderate daily exercise. Angina was reduced by
73%. Treadmill duration was increased by 33%.Yoga
is “emotion control”. Anger, ego, hostility, greed
and attachments need to be controlled. Shavasan
can reduce metabolic rates by 15%. In Pranayama,
one can do alternate nose breathing and abdominal
There are two types of preventions available if a
person has established heart disease. Firstly,
identification of risk factors and preventing first
heart attack. This is called primary prevention. On
the other hand primordial prevention includes
prevention of risk factors like smoking, diabetes,
high blood pressure, obesity, not walking, stress,
etc. Most of the risk factors are related to the
present-day stress. The basic mantra therefore for
primordial prevention is management and
prevention of stress which is only possible by
understanding the 8 principals of our (India’s)
traditional ancient yoga. Yoga means union of body
with mind. Eight limbs include dos and don’ts
(yamas & niyamas), asanas (mind body physical
postures), pranayama, pratihara (spiritual
atmosphere), dharma (intention), dhyan
(concentration and transident), samadhi (absorbing
with oneself). These 8 processes collectively are
called meditation. During meditation one acquires
para-sympathetic mode which reduces blood
pressure, respiratory rate, increases the immunity
and prepares the body to heal.
How will you manage Teacher 1?
Teacher 1 deserves to be counselled for smoking
abstinence and diet control (high fibre diabeticdiet, fruits, vegetables, nuts). Psychological
counseling for de-stressing along with a graded
exercise schedule, meditation and yoga can be
beneficial. Medical therapy includes streptokinase
(thombolysis, if the patient has presented within
the window period), aspirin, clopidogrel, betablockers,
ACE inhibitors, statins, control of blood
pressure and differentiating stress hyperglycemia
from actual diabetes mellitus undetected
previously and its appropriate management.
Coronary angiography followed by intervention, as
required should be planned. Weight
maintenance/reduction and reducing the waist
circumference is also bound to be helpful.
What advice would you give to Teacher 2?
Teacher 2 also needs to be managed on the same
lines as Teacher 1 but the need to control all the risk
factors may not be so vigorously applied.
Thrombolysis is definitely not indicated. Teacher 2 is
not habituated to tobacco and has his hypertension
under control on drug therapy. Coronary
angiography in a specialised centre is an important
step to delineate the extent of coronary
atherosclerosis. Presence of a tri-fascicular block
and presenting as syncope may warrant need for
pacing and a permanent pacemaker installation may
be required. In view of global hypokinesia and poor
ejection fraction, a 24-hour Holter monioting will
need to be performed to assess for ventricular
tachyarrhythmias; which will indicate need for
implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD).
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