Indian Journal of Medical Specialities Trust
Teaching Round
Backache in a Diabetic Male: An Underdiagnosed Aetiology
*Nirupam Prakash, **Shweta Saxena
*Department of Posts, Lucknow, **HAL Hospital, Lucknow

Corresponding Author: Dr. Nirupam Prakash 41-42, Qaiserbagh, Lucknow-226001.
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A 53 years male diabetic, hypertensive developed backache and stiffness for 6 months. Spine examination revealed local tenderness over the lower thoracic and lumbar spine with limitation of movements. Radiological diagnosis of Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH) was made. The musculoskeletal manifestations in diabetics are often neglected and DISH is an important association, insulin resistance being implicated in pathophysiology of both DISH and diabetes.

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