Asymptomatic isolated splenic artery occlusion in adults is a rare splanchnic circulatory disorder. Isolated
splenic artery thrombosis can occur due to various aetiological factors like trauma, chronic pancreatitis, liver
transplantation etc. We present a case of isolated asymptomatic occlusion of splenic artery in a 60 year old
male cadaver. There was no evidence, historical or otherwise, suggestive of the aetiology. Splenic artery
thrombosis was well-compensated by the right gastroepiploic artery with its unusual branching pattern.
Apart from the pancreatic branches, the right gastroepiploic artery was playing the role of splenic artery
also. Care should be exercised, because in such cases, the splanchnic vascularity may get affected if the right
gastroepiploic artery is used for coronary artery bypass grafting.
Key words: Splenic artery; thrombosis; gastroepiploic artery; splanchnic circulation.
Variations in the splanchnic circulation are
commonly reported. Splenic artery occlusion
invariably presents with symptoms of splenic
infarction. However, a case of isolated
asymptomatic splenic artery occlusion, is being
reported because of its rarity [1].
In the present case there was no relevant medical
history suggesting the symptoms of splenic
infarction or the aetiology of arterial occlusion. The
right gastroepiploic artery had compensated the
obstructed splenic circulation with a unique
branching pattern. The role of splenic artery was
being performed by the right gastroepiploic artery
almost completely except for the pancreatic
Case report
The case was noted in a male cadaver of 60 years
during the routine dissection of abdominal cavity.
The abdominal cavity and viscera were apparently
normal. While tracing the branches of coeliac
trunk, splenic artery was felt to be hardened
throughout. The artery was traced to the hilum of
spleen and its branching pattern was studied. The
splenic artery had a normal origin and normal
branching pattern; but was hardened from its origin
up to the termination. Arterial occlusion involved its
branches also but the abdominal aorta and the
coeliac trunk were apparently normal. Pre-hilar
division of the splenic artery was noted. The
narrowing of the splenic artery is clearly visible in
the photograph by incising the artery midway
[figure 1].

Figure 1- Specimen showing stomach and spleen.
A. stomach, B. spleen, C. Greater omentum cut section, D. splenic vein. E. splenic artery,
F. right gastroepiploic artery[RGEA], G. right gastroepiploic artery entering the spleen,
H. branch from RGEA to the greater curvature, I. branch from RGEA to the greater omentum
The splenic hilum towards the anterior end showed
a separate artery entering the splenic parenchyma
which was not a branch from the splenic artery. This
artery was traced towards the pyloric end of the
stomach to see its origin, which was found to be
from the gastroduodenal trunk and was confirmed
as the right gastro-epiploic artery [RGEA]. The
branches of RGEA were traced out. As the RGEA
continued forwards as the chief arterial supply for
the spleen, it gave one branch to the greater
curvature of stomach closer to the cardiac notch.
Throughout its course RGEA was giving epiploic
branches and one branch closer to the splenic hilum
was unusually larger [figure 1]. Preserving all the
important arterial branches of RGEA, the spleen was
dissected out along with the stomach. The splenic
vessels were incised away from the hilum of spleen.
Medical records of the cadaver were reviewed for
important points related to the case.
The splenic artery arises from the coeliac trunk and
provides blood flow to spleen, pancreas and a
major portion of the stomach. In this case splenic
artery was tortuous as usual but felt hardened
throughout its course. Branching pattern was
normal but the branches were smaller and hardened
like the main artery. Other splanchnic arteries were
apparently normal.
The medical history of the cadaver revealed familial
hypercholesterolemia and systemic hypertension
detected at the age of 50 years (was under
treatment for hypertension). Isolated splenic artery
occlusion cannot be explained by atherosclerosis or
hypertension. However, a plaque can get dislodged
from the abdominal aorta into the splenic artery and
thrombosis can progress to the distal part.
Thrombosis of splenic artery can occur in chronic
pancreatitis associated with pseudocyst and complicated by arterial pseudoaneurysms [2]. The
splenic artery is commonly affected because of its
proximity to the pancreas [3]. Torsion of the
wandering spleen [4], blunt trauma, liver
transplantation, pancreatectomy [5] and
thromboembolism from cardiac source [6] are some
of the aetiological factors of stenosis and occlusion
of splenic artery.
Available medical records and cadaveric
examination was not suggestive of any of the abovementioned
conditions. However, history of
unreported mild abdominal trauma can not be ruled
out. Asymptomatic splenic artery thrombosis in a
child had been reported earlier [1]. The arterial
occlusion must have progressed very slowly because
the RGEA has taken over the role of diseased splenic
artery in a well planned unique way. It may have
been present as an anatomic variant since birth and
might have become functional because of the
pathological thrombosis of the splenic artery. Apart
from continuing forward into the splenic parenchyma as a supplementary splenic artery it
gave branches to supplement the dysfunctioning
left gastroepiploic artery. One gastric branch
towards the cardiac end of the stomach and one
unusually large epiploic branch from which smaller
branches took origin could be traced.
The RGEA is used as an arterial conduit for the
coronary artery bypass grafting [7]. Even in 1960s
and 1970s it was used for indirect myocardial
revascularisation [8,9]. Endoscopic doppler flow has
shown no ischaemia in the greater curvature after
the detachment of RGEA from the stomach [10]. But
in the present case the RGEA has an added role of
supplying the arterial blood supply because of a
thrombosed splenic artery. Such cases may show
arterial insufficiency after the detachment and it
indicates the need for careful evaluation of
splanchnic vascularity before using the vessel for
The anatomical variations in the coeliac trunk
branches are due to developmental changes in the
ventral splanchnic arteries [11]. In this cadaveric
case, the splenic artery thrombosis may be
pathological. The unique branching pattern can be
of anatomical origin, which is well developed due to
functional reasons.
Key Points
- Splenic artery abnormalities particularly
stenosis and occlusion are rare among the
acquired diseases of splanchnic circulation.
- Asymptomatic splenic artery thrombosis is still
- In the present case, the atherosclerotic
narrowing of the splenic artery must have
occurred as a very slow process so that
deficiency in the circulation is compensated by
the RGEA.
- The branching pattern of RGEA may be a
primary anatomical variation. But the
collateral channels of RGEA are prominent due
to the insufficient arterial flow via the splenic
- If RGEA is detached for coronary bypass
grafting in such cases, splanchnic circulation
will be severely compromised.
- Such rare but significant reports are
indications for careful pre-surgical evaluation
of the splanchnic vasculature.
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